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House & Property History Books

Wonder about your house's or property's history? Want to find out the name of the builder and whether an architect was part of your home's design? Do you have the list of the former owners but would like to know what they did? Interested in the background to the area around your neighborhood and who as well as what might have been there? 


The answers to these questions often exist with the basic dates and names easily be found. The specifics about that property, though, give the important context to the story. Some of those specifics are:


  • Historic photos of the building and past owners

  • Building applications and construction permits 

  • Locale development

  • Newspaper articles

  • Architect and/or builder biographies

  • Personal letters or other ephemera of past and/or current owners


Finding this story takes time, and I will research all of the various information available and write a narrative that tells your property's extensive story. I also will work with you and your wishes as well as your budget to determine the final product, be it a simple online delivery of found materials or a fully formatted and bound book.

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